Changing Mission (Acts 17:16-34)

To The Ends of the Earth (Acts 13-28) - Part 5

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Johan Linder

Oct. 16, 2022



Ps Johan Linder (OMF NZ) speaking from Acts 17:16-34. As we join in God's mission to the ends of the earth, what should change? What hasn't changed? And what should not change?

  1. What should change?
  2. Paul's strategy changed (v16-20)
  3. Paul's presentation changed (v22-31)

  4. What hasn't changed?

  5. God's plan and purpose to save a people for Himself through Christ

  6. What should not change?

  7. Our passion for God (v16)
  8. The message! (v18, 29)

  9. What do you and I need to change?
    Strategy? Presentation? Passion?

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