Bought by Christ (1 Cor 6:12-20)

Christ Amid Chaos (1 Corinthians 1-11) - Part 9

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William HC

May 14, 2023



Ps William HC speaking from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.

  1. One command: flee from sexual immorality (v18)
  2. Two bad excuses to run from about sex (v12-13)
  3. Three gospel truths to run towards sexual holiness (v13-20):
  4. We’re members of the risen Lord Jesus (v14-17)
  5. We’re temples of the Holy Spirit (v18-19a)
  6. We’re bought by the Father (v19b–20)

Getting practical:

  1. Arm yourself with Scripture.
  2. Defend where you’re vulnerable.
  3. Sharpen your reflexes before temptation appears.
  4. Feed on grace – be satisfied in Christ.

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