"In Christ, Building Vibrant Multilingual Congregations..." (Our Family, Our Mission)

Our Family, Our Mission - Part 1

Sermon Image

William HC

Oct. 15, 2023



Ps William HC preaching on what the whole Bible says about "vibrant, multilingual congregations":

  1. The pattern of God’s kingdombegins with a multilingual story.(Genesis 1–2)
  2. The perished kingdom created sinful, multilingual congregations.(Genesis 3, Genesis 11)
  3. The promised kingdom will bring vibrant, multilingual blessing.(Genesis 12:1–3, 15:1–6)
  4. The partial kingdom should have been a vibrant, multilingual congregation.(1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings)
  5. The prophesied kingdom will be a vibrant, multilingual congregation who hope in the Messiah.(e.g. Isaiah, Jeremiah 23, Psalm 67)
  6. The present kingdom of Jesus Christ was declared to a multilingual congregation of witnesses. (Matthew 1, John 20:19–20)
  7. The proclaimed kingdom gives birthto vibrant, multilingual congregations in Christ. (Acts 2:42–47, 15, 16:11–15)

Three attitudes as we proclaim His kingdom as PCBC:

  • be thankful for our past
  • be ambitious about our future
  • be patient without compromise

  • The perfected kingdom will be a vibrant, multilingual congregation in Christ! (Rev. 7:9–10)

Note: For copyright reasons, you can hear the worship song shared at the end of the sermon, "Behold our God" (World Edition) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA96oPEJis4

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